When it comes to planning your bicycle tour trip it’s always interesting to learn what others have chosen to take on the road. The type of bicycle, camping gear, panniers, clothing and so forth.

The length of your trip, the geography and climate of the countries you will visit, your personal preferences (the amount of comfort, if you are brand conscious or not, …) and the amount of money you are willing to spend, are the main factors that will shape your decision.

On the road I have met several people and all have a different take on which bicycle they prefer to ride and what to carry on it. But at the end it comes down to the joy of riding a bike and discovering the world.

From the thousands of blogs and websites that are focused on this subject, this is my humble contribution.

One comment

  1. Hey! What are your plans now? Are you going to bicycle around Pakistan? If you have time tell me more about your trip. This is just so crazy! It was an unexpected surprise to meet you in the Embassy. I wish you an amazing trip man


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